Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our Dream and other stuff....

What are we up to? Well, we just celebrated our One Year Anniversary and were blessed to be able to go to New Hampshire & Boston and see my favorite band, U2! There are some pix below~
Also, Don and I have begun our future as Independent Distributors with Shaklee! Currently, Don is working in Miami monday-friday, and it is hard for us to build our family together. This is not what we wanted. So, we began praying for a solution and we believe Shaklee IS that solution! We are building a business and a future, not just for ourselves but for our family and those around us! Shaklee offers great opportunity AND the business we build can be passed down to our kids!
My friend and upline Jacque sent this to me today, because it reminded her of Don and I....and its true.
We are going to live our dream, make a difference and Shaklee is our future. watch Coletta & Leonard Haskin

Don is home today. (super happy face here)! Its hard to not try to cram all the stuff we want to do in one stressful day. We are instead finding the joy in the everyday things we don't experience throughout the week. Drinking coffee together, sitting out by the pool. Planning a yummy dinner or riding bikes with the kids, the simple pleasures of life mean the most.
Enjoy your weekend my friends and savor the fragrant life you have.

other pix including U2, can be viewed here: U2 Pix