Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What is the Super Grape?

Well first of all I gotta tell ya, today Don and I launched our new business. We became Independent Distributors with the Shaklee corporation! Now, Shaklee has been around for over 50 years, in fact they are Number 1 in the sales of health and wellness products. I believe in their products, but have not always been able to afford them as they are a little more expensive then the similar items you would find at the grocery store...until now! I am excited that, as a distributor, I am now able to buy the products from myself, at a discount! I also benefit from the QUALITY of the 100% natural products, which are better for me, and my family. Now, for the real kicker, Shaklee has a new CEO and a new goal : (to quote from their own website)

A Healthier Life for Everyone and a Better Life for Anyone

Maybe you’re looking for a way to get healthier. Or a way to make a healthier income. Maybe you’d like both. Maybe there are things that matter more to you than money.
We get it. Life can be better. You can live healthier, you can make a healthier income, and you can do it by making people and the planet healthier too!

Okay, now about this super grape, what is it?

It is the "vitis rotundifolia", a super grape with an extra chromosome.

Vivix Cellular Anti-Aging* Tonic is a revolutionary breakthrough in the fight against cellular aging. Developed after years of research by Shaklee Corporation, the number one natural nutrition company in the U.S., Vivix is the world best anti-aging supplement. In laboratory studies, Vivix ingredients have been shown to impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging.*
A 30 day supply of Vivix delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3,000 glasses of red wine, and Vivix ingredients are 10x more powerful in slowing a key mechanism of aging than resveratrol*.
All natural. Patent pending. Clinically tested key ingredients. Exclusive.
Watch this for more info!


  1. This sounds too good to be true...but I would like to find out!! There was a time in my life that I was a slight shade of orange from so much Vit A and carrot will I be comfortable in my purple skin? lol

  2. lol! purple is the new black! :) looking forward to seeing you friday!
