Monday, September 14, 2009

What's Your Dream?

"Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everybody comes here; this is Hollywood, land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some don't; but keep on dreamin' - this is Hollywood. Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin'." - Man on the street from the movie, Pretty Woman
No, this isn't Hollywood, but everything else about the statement is true!
What is your dream?
A 45' Beneteau Sailboat? A Beach House?  Perhaps it's something as simplistic as living a healthy long and secure life?  We all have our dreams.  No matter how much you have accomplished, secured or experienced in your life, there is always something around the corner that may or may not seem just within your reach.  Your dream is just that, it's your dream.

I dream too.  I look back on life and am very fortunate to be able to reflect on dreams of my youth and not so youth come true.  The first in all generations of my family to graduate from college.  A Masters degree to boot.  Owing my own home(s).  Traveling to Europe and Central America.  Scuba diving with sharks.  Flying an airplane.  Introducing someone to Christ.  Marrying my best friend - Lyndy!  I could go on and on.  I am truly blessed and have been been blessed.

I am not done though.  There are things just around the corner and there are a few things a little farther down the road that I am looking forward to. 

Our dreams are what drives us.  Without a dream, there is complacency. 

As a couple, Lyndy and I have a dream(s) together.  That is what really excites me!  It's cool enough to realize one of your own individual dreams coming true.  When there is a collective dream though, be it a couple, a family, team or organization, when that dream is realized, then it becomes a celebration!

As I mentioned above, one of our dreams was realized last September, on a little patch of beach grass at the picnic tables beach at Patrick Air Force Base.  But, we ain't done yet.  (That is proper english in most Southern States)

We have recently thought out individually and collectively what our dreams are.  As blessed as we are with the current job I have, one of our biggest dreams is simply, being together - ALL the time.  Not having the constraints of working for "The Man".  The flexibility of doing things together without the scheduling conflicts of meetings, business trips, training events that blog our schedules down.  We have started our own business and the future looks bright!

We are not doing it full-time together yet, but the caterpillar is in the cocoon and the wings are developing.  Stayed tuned for more to come on that.

Look at where you have come from and then ahead to where you would like to go.  Write those dreams down on a piece of paper.  List them out, not by priority, but just write them down as they come into your head.  As silly as they mean seem, write it down.  What is it that your heart desires and what you have always wanted, but never thought it could happen.  Write it down.  It'll never come to fruition if you keep it stored in the back of your head.

What's your dream?  Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin'


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